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Contextual advertising is text ads that are displayed to the user or search engines on pages of other sites similar in theme. Search engines contextual advertising works as follows: the user enters a search query and along with the search results in a well visible area of the screen displays your advertisements. In this case you have the ability to identify the target audience, specifying the interests of the user, region, time display, and other settings.
For example in the Yandex contextual advertising is as follows:
One of the largest advertising companies in text advertising are Yandex Direct and Google AdWords, which together account for about 80% of this market. Text ads are displayed based on the auction so the cost of the advertising campaign largely depends on the competition.
This type of advertising effectively and inexpensively increase traffic to the website. Unlike contextual advertising in advertising on the widgets there is no possibility to select the audience, there is no auction principle. It affect the cost of such advertising. The cost clicks on those ads, usually 2-5 times lower than the shortcut banner.
Basically this advertisement takes place on the resources of the news portal type having a common theme but with a large attendance. The owners of the sites have the ability to control the appearance of the block of widgets, so they can be different format but as a rule it is a picture format 60×60 рх and small accompanying text.
After you publish the site on the internet it is necessary to conduct a number of activities to ensure that the site could be found through search engines and present in the major internet catalogs.
1. Statistics
In this phase will include the installation of the invisible visitor counter. The information obtained will serve as a starting point from which will be compared the outcomes of search engine optimization.
2. The semantic core queries
One of the most important steps is to define a list of search queries associated with the subject site for the purpose of further optimization under these requests. Using the statistics of search engine queries, and the analysis of competitors, need to make a list of the most preferred search queries, through which must come the target visitors and on which we will focus. List queries agreed with the customer. During the work, he expanded and improved. Each request is characterized by its own frequency (popularity). The frequency shows how many times a month this request from users.
3. Search engine optimization of site pages
At this stage, website optimization will be carried out painstaking work to saturate the pages of your site are keywords and phrases taken from the composed semantic kernel. The pages of your website are arranged and organized in such a way that the keywords and the phrase was in the most favourable places from the point of view of search engines and ease of use of the website the clients themselves.
Optimizing pages of the site creates favourable conditions for finding your page search engines optimization «tell» search engines that your page most likely corresponds to the request of the potential target visitor. That in turn will increase the flow of visitors.
Ideally all pages should be optimised to make such changes in the text, meta tags, titles so that the search engine considered what they best respond to a user request. This requires writing optimized texts and blocks.
4. Prepared descriptions of the site to register to free internet catalogues
Taking into account the subject site and oriented search queries will be prepared the texts of the links and necessary information for registration in the catalogs.
5. Applying for indexing in search engines
Necessary add that optimization measures will be taken not only by the major search engines such as Yandex, Google, Rambler, Yahoo, Bing, but also less well-known AltaVista, Bigmir, Meta, Owl, Mail, Nigma, Webalta, etc.
After the initial optimization of your site pages your site must register the site in those search engines systems. Website registration will allow you to tell search engines about the existence of your site before it will make search engine robots these search engines.
In a short period of time (from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on search engine) after the filing of an application for registration search engines will index Your content and it will start to appear in search results for keywords and phrases asked by potential clients.
6. Registration in catalogs
Registration in catalogs will allow you to attract more visitors as well as information about your sites and appears on other sites. It will have an impact on increasing the credibility of your website. An important step is registration of a site in Yandex Catalog.